Against Public Smoking ? - Register as a Supporter !
It is very important that you register yourself as a supporter of the Smokeless Society on this website.
Without your registration we won't know who you are or where you are, or how to get back to you in the future -
maybe to let you know of another petition to sign. So register here on this site as a supporter - and then we can
contact you in the future should the need arise.
Your registration will be set up so that you can cancel or change it in the future. At this stage we don't know
how things might progress, and what the level of support might be.
You will NOT be bombarded with emails - probably just an occasional email to update you on progress within the
Smokeless Society.
You can register your email address as a supporter here:
So just use the above link to register yourself as a Smokeless Society supporter - regardless of whether you
live in the UK, USA or Canada or wherever...
And after registering why don't you sign the government ePetition now if you haven't already -
And if you would like to be a more active supporter then by all means please get in touch directly to offer any help you may be able to provide
(e.g. your name, time, resources, contacts etc.).